Adopt-a-Drain K-12
Citizen science and service learning program for educators
Adopt-a-Drain K-12 supports the Adopt-a-Drain program which asks residents to adopt a storm drain in their neighborhood and keep it clear of leaves, trash, and debris to reduce water pollution. In certain cities, we have funding for supplemental resources to help K-12 educators flexibly integrate this program into their curriculum, school, and community. Teachers will receive training, newsletter support, access to online K-12 learning resources, printed classroom materials, and cool swag and incentives for both teachers and students!
Teach students to protect local waterways
Keep these pollutants out of streets and storm drains
Leaves, grass, and dirt contain phosphorus, which feeds the algae that turn lakes green. Keep them off streets and sidewalks.
Salt is harmful to waterways and aquatic life. Just one teaspoon pollutes five gallons of water forever. Sweep up leftover salt and reuse it.
Trash clogs drains and pipes, causing flooding. Put it in the garbage.
Dog poop carries harmful bacteria and phosphorus. Pick up after your pet!

Sweep up! Rake up! Pick up!
Community action in schools
Adopt-a-Drain online. Individuals, community groups, and schools can sign up to adopt a storm drain at
Keep the storm drain clear. Use a broom or rake to sweep leaves, trash, and other debris off the drain surface as often as you are able.
Collect data. Enter the amount of debris you collect into your online account so we can track results.
Lead by example. Keep an eye on your drain and tell others how they can help prevent water pollution too.
Teacher support
We offer a variety of tools and ongoing support to K-12 teachers, including:
Online training to navigate website, sign up as a school and report data
Bi-weekly e-newsletter with Adopt-a-Drain tips, stories, and updates
Delivery of teacher and classroom support materials
Unlimited access to Adopt-a-Drain and other online K-12 learning resources to improve understanding of water, pollutants, and protecting local waterways.
Priority invitations to Rivers Institute Professional Development
Classroom materials
1 each of the following:
Teacher Guide
Water Bottle
Drawstring Bag
Gloves for storm drain cleaning
Bucket, 5-gallon
Translation Handouts (Somali, Hmong, and Spanish)
30 each of following:
Data Collection Cards
Sign Up & Safety Tip Cards
Temporary tattoos
Hang a poster in the classroom to inspire students to protect local waterways.
Water Bottle
Stay hydrated and celebrate cleaner waterways by drinking from this Adopt-a-Drain water bottle.
Wear this Adopt-a-Drain beanie while cleaning storm drains.
Adopt-a-Drain Bucket
Receive an optional 5-gallon bucket to use for debris collection.
Teacher Guide
Everything teachers need to know about adopting drains with students.
8.5" x 5.5" Bifold
Click for larger view
Bifold (inside)
Click for larger view
Safety Tips Cards
Share sign up instructions and safety tips with families and encourage them to adopt drains at home.
Data Collection Cards
Collect citizen science data as students clear debris from storm drains and neighborhoods. Then record the data online!
Use these nifty Adopt-a-Drain pencils to fill out Data Collection Cards.
Celebrate cleaner lakes, creeks, and rivers by displaying this Adopt-a-Drain sticker on personal water bottles.
Show off student commitment to protecting water by wearing these temporary tattoos after storm drain clean up.
Translation Handout (Optional)
Share sign up instructions with families in Somali, Hmong, and Spanish and encourage families to adopt drains at home.

Our program sponsors

Sign up!
Cities, watershed districts, and other entities are providing funding for teachers to receive supplemental resources in certain areas.
In Minnesota, this includes Minneapolis, Capitol Region Watershed District in St Paul, Nine Mile Creek Watershed District in Edina, all of Hennepin County, the City of Duluth, and towns along the North Shore of Lake Superior
In Washington, this includes our newest funding partner in the City of Duvall!
Check this map to see if your school is in an area with funding for supplemental resources. If so, sign up below to have materials delivered at no cost to you. If you are not in a funded area, we will still add you to our email list and send you ideas for implementing adopt-a-drain with your students on your own.